Sunday, November 25, 2012

Electronic era arrives as council embraces iPads

Allan Smith did not own one of the brick-sized mobile phones available when he started civic duties two decades ago but today he is at home with an iPad.

Dubbo's longest-serving councillor has embraced the popular computer tablet but it was not always that way.

He was previously opposed to Dubbo City Council investing in the new technology, but the iPad's retail price converted him.

"It was quite expensive before, but with iPads, the costs are dramatically reduced, so I accept it," he said.

"Now we're talking hundreds of dollars not thousands of dollars each.iphone protective case"

He admitted cost was not the only consideration.The new iPhone needs enough iphone backup power to get through a busy day without requiring a recharge.

"Also, in more recent years I've become more skilled," he said.

"Today I find it more easy to use."

The council has rolled out iPads for the city's 11 councillors.

They will receive meeting agendas, business papers and other correspondence via a special application installed on the tablet.

Cr Smith was convinced the electronic system was an improvement oThe bluetooth outdoor security cameras allows you to have a phone conversation without the use of your hands. Hands free is the term coined for this type of communication device that is essential for car driversn printing and delivering correspondence.

It was faster and cost less in materials and labour, he said.

Most councillors brought their iPads to this week's committee meetings, and their use prompted a few jovial comments.
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"A couple of times I was in front of the other councillors and I could say, 'catch up',Sadly, the iPad doesn't have either a USB port or an SD slot, but Apple sells the Apple ipad camera connection kit for £25." Cr Smith said.

"Normally I'm dragging the chain."

The councillor's recent experience suggested the writing was on the wall for technological dinosaurs.

"The electronic era has arrived and people like myself who are slow to grab hold of it will just have to deal with it,Whether womens jordan shoes or athletic shoes for men, the three partners running the new Step & Style Boutique on Main Street say it's about time they're available in the downtown." Cr Smith said.Are you or a loved one suffering from lackluster iPhone 5 battery life?iphone 5 battery

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