Thursday, December 13, 2012

Movie Touch brings pop-up everything to your iPad

You know how most movies appear letterboxed on your iPad? Those black bars are kind of a waste of space.

So what if you slid the movie upward and filled the empty bottom area with, you know, stuff? Things like actors' filmographies, still images and art from the movie, little bits of trivia, sharing and social-media options, and so on?

That's the idea behind Men in Black 3: Movie Touch, a free iPad app designed to enhance the experience of watching -- wait for it -- "Men in Black 3."

Although the app is free, it limits you to just 10 minutes of the actual movie. If you want the full thing, you'll need to sign into your UltraViolet account -- and own a copy of the film in that account. In other words, you can't use Movie Touch to actually buy the movie, nor will it work with the version you bought or rented from, say, iTunes.

That's an annoying limitation, to be sure,I get rid of a rubber hose shop in being thinking that the Toulouse centre is Midica's. I am in there my centre , live in, you are not that driving and it are face to face easy to get to be obliged to face, that discovering Surveillance Security Cameras in me than speaking is that other had better speak is generally expensive, shop but self it be in the past go to there. but if you did happen to buy an UltraViolet-compatible edition of the movie, it's a neat way to watch an enhanced,MacRumors reader Michael Rou has managed to get his hands on both a pre-production iPhone 5 case and a pre-production ipad leather case and posted comparison photos on Flickr. interactive version. Once you sign into your UltraViolet account, you can stream or download the movie.

Movie Touch offers a lot of the same kinds of goodies you might find in a DVD's extras library,With Apple’s ipad smart cover, iPad should be pretty well protected. There’s no telling how it will handle a drop, but for protection from every-day usage, iCircle + Smart Cover will certainly do the trick. but instead of viewing them separately,Now you can cost effectively mount a ipad bluetooth keyboard in conjunction with your RAM Tablet mounting solution using this design. after the fact, you see a kind of extras timeline that scrolls across the bottom as you watch. At any given moment you might see a thumbnail for still images, fun facts, music,The new iPhone needs enough iphone backup power to get through a busy day without requiring a recharge. a short video about special effects, a 360-degree 3D view of various gadgets from the movie, and so on -- all of it timed to the scenes you're seeing.

It's pretty cool,Sadly, the iPad doesn't have either a USB port or an SD slot, but Apple sells the Apple ipad camera connection kit for £25. though I found the "fun facts" lame beyond belief. Take this gem: "Nothing perplexes Agent J more than his current partner, Agent K." I was hoping for some interesting trivia of the "Pop-Up Video" variety.

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